Foster Care Fortnight – May 2024
We’ve had a great response to this year’s national Foster Care Fortnight campaign!
Taking up the campaign theme of ‘Fostering Moments’ we’ve collected quotes from some of our foster carers and our fostering team for daily social media posts, with some really moving and heartfelt quotes.
We’ve also timed our latest outdoor advertising campaign fit in with Foster Care Fortnight, with eye catching posters all over Sandwell linked in with the national ‘Fostering Moments’ campaign.
Of course, we’re also out and about with promotional stands at Morrisons in Wednesbury and returning to Sandwell Aquatics Centre, where we kicked off the year with our ‘Fit to Foster’ campaign with our friends from Sandwell Leisure Trust, who’ve been brilliant supporters.
Everyone’s making us feel really welcome and we always love any opportunity to talk fostering, so if you see us, do stop and say ‘hello’!
But the highlight of the campaign will be at the end of Foster Care Fortnight, when we’re having a coffee morning for our foster carers. It’s always great to see them, they really are an inspiring group of people and we are so grateful for everything that they do for Sandwell’s children. So, it will be nice to get together, as our way of saying ‘thank-you’. It’s also a great reminder that we really are Sandwell’s biggest family.